
Voices Visible: BC Student Writing Journal (2017-19)

Publication: September 15, 2019

In partnership with the British Columbia Teachers of English Language Arts PSA, we are proud to announce this year’s publication of the annual Voices Visible student writing journal. This double-issue features poetry, short fiction, essays and artwork created by students from across the province of British Columbia.



Voices Visible: BC Student Writing Journal (2017)

Publication: May 2, 2018

In partnership with the British Columbia Teachers of English Language Arts PSA, we are proud to announce this year’s publication of the annual Voices Visible student writing journal. The collection features poetry, short fiction, essays and artwork by students from across the province of British Columbia.


Voices Visible: BC Student Writing Journal (2016)

Publication: May 9, 2017

In partnership with the British Columbia Teachers of English Language Arts PSA, we are proud to announce this year’s publication of the annual Voices Visible student writing journal. The collection features poetry, short fiction, essays and artwork by students from across the province of British Columbia.



Voices Visible: BC Student Writing Journal (2015)

Publication: March 17, 2016

In partnership with the British Columbia Teachers of English Language Arts PSA, we are proud to announce this year’s publication of the annual Voices Visible student writing journal. The collection features poetry, short fiction and artwork by students from across the province of British Columbia.



Voices Visible: BC Student Writing Journal (2014)

Publication: March 11, 2015

In partnership with the British Columbia Teachers of English Language Arts PSA, we are proud to announce this year’s publication of BC’s annual Voices Visible student writing journal. The collection features poetry, short fiction and artwork by students from across the province of BC.



“Be the Village” Dialogue with the Dalai Lama

October 21, 2014

Vancouver Convention Centre East

Ripple Effect sponsored a group of Metro Vancouver high school student leaders to attend the visit to Vancouver by the Dalai Lama in October, 2014. Community leaders and researchers discussed the “Science of Kindness” with the Dalai Lama and his vision for a more compassionate society through an education system that will “educate both the heart and the mind”.



Voices Visible: BC Student Writing Journal (2013)

Publication: April 27, 2014

In partnership with the British Columbia Teachers of English Language Arts PSA, we are proud to announce this year’s publication of BC’s annual Voices Visible student writing journal. The collection features poetry, short fiction and artwork by students from across the province of BC.


janes-walk-2013-group-21Jane’s Walk – Mt. Pleasant, Vancouver

Sunday, May 5, 2013

42 people turned out on a sunny Sunday afternoon in early May for a walking tour of historic Mount Pleasant, organized in memory of urbanist Jane Jacobs. The walk was led by local history raconteur Robert McNutt and urban design practitioners Stephen Bohus and Lewis N. Villegas.

This year the walk was structured around key buildings and places that may guide new construction and planning. The models identified and discussed on the tour included: tall buildings; storefront buildings; apartments; row houses; public open spaces; ‘Great Streets’ and transit implementation options. Visit the SUNN Mount Pleasant project site for more details about the 2013 Jane’s Walk.



Voices Visible: BC Student Writing Journal (2012)

Publication: March 4, 2013

In partnership with the British Columbia Teachers of English Language Arts PSA, we are proud to announce this year’s publication of BC’s annual Voices Visible student writing journal. The collection features poetry, short fiction and artwork by students from across the province of BC.



City as Classroom: Urban Walk in Vancouver’s Historic Area

10:30am to 1pm, April 12-15, 2012.

American Educational Research Association Annual Conference

Vancouver Trade and Convention Centre West

Ripple Effect members David Samis and Lewis Villegas, and UBC Associate Professor Veronica Gaylie, presented a daily walking tour for the Critical Educators for Social Justice (an AERA SIG). Using Vancouver’s Historic Area as the City Classroom, the presentation and urban walk focused on city planning and its influence on social, cultural and sustainable development in the city’s oldest neighbourhoods.



Voices Visible: BC Student Writing Journal (2011)

Publication: April 2, 2012

In partnership with the British Columbia Teachers of English Language Arts PSA, we are proud to announce this year’s publication of BC’s annual Voices Visible student writing journal. The collection features poetry, short fiction and artwork by students from across the province of BC.


Rize up for Haiti: Community Arts Market

Friday and Saturday, March 23-24, 2012.

126 Kingsway at 10th Ave. Vancouver

REAL Society teamed up with Sweet Harriet Design to bring the Square Community Market, a fundraiser for Art Creation Foundation for Children, created for education and personal growth of children in need in Jacmel, Haiti.

The historic Jentzen’s showroom in Vancouver was transformed into an indoor community square where visitors could browse one-of-a-kind items from a diverse selection of artists and artisans.  In addition to Ripple Effect and Sweet Harriet Design, participating vendors included Paperback Note, Silver Trumpet, Meiku Designs, Jennifer Conway, Kam & Lee, A Cagey Bee, Downtown Betty, Gerald & Rose, Daub + Design and the Noisy Neighbour.

There was a local food fair, live music and entertainers, arts and craft table for kids, and a silent auction. See also the event’s Facebook page for more information.



Voices Visible: BC Student Writing Journal (2010)

Publication: October 12, 2011

Ripple Effect is continuing to support local Youth Literacy in Arts through our new partnership with the British Columbia Teachers of English Language Arts PSA to produce the Voices Visible student writing journal. The collection features poetry, short fiction and artwork by students from across the province of BC.


Love Vancouver/Love Your Planet Festival

UN Day of Environment, June 5, 2011,

11am to 6pm at Athlete’s Village, Vancouver, BC

Ripple Effect was proud to partner with Limelight Productions and the BC UN-RCE to produce the Love Vancouver, Love Your Planet art, music and green lifestyle festival. The free outdoor sustainability fair came alive on UN World Environment Day in the Olympic Village square along the False Creek seawall, attracting over 5,500 attendees during the day-long event.

The festival encourages Vancouverites to build a more sustainable future for the city by bringing communities together to share ideas and celebrate innovations. The fair featured dozens of local exhibitors showcasing the latest in sustainable products and food, hands-on workshops and demonstrations of green technologies.

The festival also included vegan food vendors, arts and crafts, sustainable clothing, and featured a craft beer garden and live music stage in the central square, where local artists Fools and Kings, David Blair and Blake Harvard performed.

See also the Love Vancouver Facebook page for more information.


map-notesSUNN Project – Open House

3pm to 6pm, May 29, 2011

Teck Gallery, SFU Harbour Centre

Ripple Effect and the BC UN-RCE presented the findings of our six-day Historic Area charrette and mapping project. The open house included slide lectures, Historic Area mapping results, student presentations, a Q&A session, and the opportunity to mingle and discuss the project and mapping work with all those who contributed over the six days of the charrette. Visit the SUNN Project website and blog for more information, research and analysis from the Historic Area charrette.



Sustainable Urban Neighbourhood Networks (SUNN) Charette

May 15-28, 2011

Simon Fraser University Harbour Centre

The SUNN Project charette promoted sustainable urban design and planning through interactive, place-based education. In partnership with the UN Regional Centre for Expertise on Education for Sustainable Development at Simon Fraser University, REAL Society members Lewis N. Villegas and David Samis developed and launched the multi-modal project in 2011.

joe-waiIn May 2011, we led a six-day planning charette in Vancouver’s Historic Area with 36 Simon Fraser University students. Based at SFU Harbour Centre, we convened daily lectures, slide shows, walking tours, and conducted field research in the city’s oldest neighbourhoods: Gastown, Chinatown, Oppenheimer Park and Strathcona. Local experts were invited to dialogue with the group, including: Stanley King and Susan Chung, Co-Design Group; Joe Wai, Architect; Tanis Knowles, City of Vancouver DTES Planner; Jean Swanson, Carnegie Community Action Project; Trish French, Vancouver Food Policy Council.

maptableThe Historic Area project examined how neighbourhoods built pre-automobile can provide a blueprint for planning high density, human-scaled, walkable communities in the future. We developed an integrated approach to neighbourhood planning, and our field mapping work included research on built form, housing types, density, public space, roads, transportation and regional systems.

Visit the SUNN Vancouver: Historic Quartiers project site:




Wordscapes Youth Arts Journal Launch Party

7pm, April 24th, 2008

Montmartre Café

4362 Main Street, Vancouver, BC

The Wordscapes Youth Arts Journal was launched on April 24th, 2008 at the Montemarte Café in Vancouver during BC Book and Magazine Week celebrations. Hosted by acclaimed slam poets Brendan McLeod and Barbara Adler, the evening featured performances by a dozen talented teens reading their poems, short stories and essays that were published in the first two issues of the new journal.

Youth from schools all over the Lower Mainland and Victoria performed at the packed venue, including; Lowell Fleming, Sarah Andersen, Jasmine Hendriks, Rachel Goddard-Rebstein, Keith Gaudry-Gardner, Sarah Vitet, Jessica Knowles, Rena Zhou, Lisa Liu, Emily Perkins, Charlotte McGee, Diandra Barsalou, Laura Thorne. Local author Michael Hetherington also made a special appearance.

Thank you to the staff at the Montemarte Cafe for hosting such a great event, and Petrice Brett and Tanya Boteju for organizing it. We’d like to acknowledge BC Book and Magazine Week for their support in hosting the event. A very special thanks to author and educator, Terence Young, for chaperoning a group of young Victoria authors so they could participate in the event.



Wordscapes 2007 Launch Party

7:00 pm May 11th, 2007

West Vancouver Memorial Library

1950 Marine Drive, West Vancouver, BC

For the second year in a row, REAL held the Wordscapes launch party at the West Vancouver Memorial Library as part of the BOOKtopia Literary Festival. The evening was hosted by Tanya Boteju and Meghan Stewart from Ripple Effect, and featured several lively performances by local slam poets Barbara Adler and Brendan Mcleod.

Youth authors reading from Wordscapes included: Anna Bunce, Trevor Janes, Billy Zou, Lisa Liu, Nini Wang, Anaheed Saatchi, Claire Tomsett, Sara Sheridan, Brittany Armstrong, Laura Thorne, and Geneva Bazin’s painting “Once Upon a Tree” — the cover art for this edition — was on display.

We’d like to thank everyone who attended and helped plan the festivities. A special thanks to our partners, BOOKtopia; the West Vancouver Memorial Library for again donating the beautiful venue; and the West Vancouver Community Foundation for providing financial support for the event the past two years.



Wordscapes 2006 Launch Party

7:00 pm, Friday April 28th, 2006

West Vancouver Memorial Library

1950 Marine Drive, West Vancouver, BC

Ripple Effect Arts and Literature Society held the Wordscapes 2006 launch party April 28th, 2006 at the beautiful West Vancouver Memorial Library atrium space. The evening was hosted by Tanya Boteju and Vanessa Violini from Ripple Effect, and featured a performance by local spoken word artist, Rachel Flood, a youth art gallery, deejay and free refreshments.

Youth authors reading from Wordscapes included: Lauren Pearce, Hilary Angus, Crystal Huang, Eve Haley, Ryan Hayes, Danielle Thien (who also played piano as the guests arrived), Murdoch Pollon, Lise Levesque, and Esther Mackenzie (front cover artist). An over-full turnout and excellent readings by all the young people involved made for a great event, and we’d like to thank everyone who attended and helped plan the festivities.

We’d like to extend a very special thank you to our incredible partners, the BOOKtopia Youth Arts Festival and the West Vancouver Memorial Library, for helping make this such a great event. We’d also like to acknowledge the West Vancouver Community Foundation and the West Vancouver Mayor’s Office for providing funding for this event through the Cultural Capitals of Canada Program.



Wordscapes: British Columbia Youth Writing Anthology (2005)

Publication: February 12, 2005

Ripple Effect is proud to announce publication of the 2005 edition of the annual Wordscapes: British Columbia Youth Writing Anthology. The anthology features poetry, short fiction, environmental essays, and artwork from high school students around the province of BC.