
Ripple Effect’s Youth Literacy in Arts Program has been celebrating achievements by BC youth in creative writing and visual art for nearly two decades. The youth arts publications we have produced and partnered in, the Wordscapes Youth Arts Journal and Voices Visible, provide youth with an invaluable forum to creatively express their issues, hopes and worldviews and to have their work read and discussed by their peers in classrooms across the province.

wyaj1wb1bWordscapes Youth Arts Journal

Published from 2002 to 2008, Wordscapes featured creative writing, environmental essays and visual art by 45 teens from across British Columbia each year. Later editions include a Contemporary Writing section featuring acclaimed Canadian authors such as Douglas Copeland, Christian Bök, Rachel Zolf, Brian Fawcett, M.A.C. Farrant, Wade Compton, Pauline Johnson, Michael Hetherington and Stephen Osborne.



Voices Visible: Student Writing Journal

Since 2010, Ripple Effect has continued our commitment to youth literacy in arts in partnership with the BC Teachers of English Language Arts (PSA) by contributing layout, cover design, editorial and production management for the annual student writing journal, Voices Visible.